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Home Product CHEMICALS Sanitizers & Shock Aquatick 68% Granular Chlorine 50 Lbs

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Aquatick 68% Granular Chlorine 50 Lbs

Jal Aqua Aquatick Cal-Hypo Granular Swimming Pool Shock 68% Highly Concentrated 50 Lbs

( Advantis Technologies )
Our Price $295.00
Sale Price $149.00
Number Pieces in packaging:1
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This fast-dissolving Calcium Hypochlorite Granules formula delivers immediate results and powerful 68% available. Premium quality granular keeps pool water safe and clean by eliminating dangerous contaminants - without leaving cloudy water. Pre-dissolve and or add directly to pool water. Aquatick Calcium Hypochlorite is superior quality and comparable to HTH, SPP, Shock Wave, Regal and Pulsar and all others Brands.

Concentrated 68% Calcium Hypochlorite granular pool shock. Used to properly super chlorinate swimming pools. Killing bacteria, destroying organic contaminants, and kills while controlling algae.

  • Concentrated chlorinating granular Cal-Hypo pool shock
  • Fast Dissolving
  • Kills bacteria, controls algae, and destroys organic contaminants
  • Fast acting solution for swimming pool problems
  • No Residue and No cloudiness
  • Non-Stabilized – No Cyanuric Acid (CyA)
  • Great for super chlorination and routine maintenance use
  • Unstabilized Pools: add 6-8 oz. per 10,000 gallons daily
  • Stabilized Pools: add 3-4 oz. per 10,000 gallons every other day
  • 10-20 oz. per 10,000 gallons provides 5-10 ppm available chlorine
  • 50 lbs bucket of granular pool shock


When algae starts getting out of hand, turn to the fast-acting Calcium Hypochlorite chlorine granules pool shock! The 68% Calcium Hypochlorite active ingredient is very effective at killing and deactivating harmful contaminants such as bacteria, algae and other microorganisms. With 65% minimum available chlorine, Cal-Hypo (Calcium Hypochlorite) will provide you with the sanitizing power you need to keep your swimming pool or spa water crystal clear and safe for your swimmers. The non-stabilized formula is great for super shocking your water or everyday routine dosages, without the need to contain cyanuric acid.

68% Active Ingredient

Calcium Hypochlorite pool shock 50 lbs bucket has 68% Cal-Hypo active ingredient to provide a strong, concentrated sanitization for your water. With 65% minimum available chlorine and 35% Calcium, you are always guaranteed to break down algae, bacteria, and other organic contaminants.

Great for Commercial and Residential Use

Whether your swimming pool is at a hotel, apartment complex or home, Calcium Hypochlorite granules are a great pool shock to keep your water sanitized and clean. Don't settle for anything less when looking for a pool shock to effectively treat pool problems like algae blooms and swimming accidents fast. As the chlorine dissolves in the water, it forms hypochlorous acid which is what kills and eradicates algae and bacteria.

By destroying bacteria, algae, germs and pathogens, Calcium Hypochlorite pool granules provide a safer swimming environment while also improving and maintaining water clarity. Cal-Hypo pool shock 100 lbs. bucket will provide your pool and spa the sanitizing power you need to keep your water crystal clear for its occupants.

Usage Directions for Swimming Pools:

  • Add the recommended dosage of Aquatick Calcium Hypochlorite Pool Shock during the evening hours while the filter pump is running.
  • When adding this product to your pool, broadcast the product evenly over a wide area in the deepest part of the pool. If any granules settle to the bottom of the pool use a brush to disperse.

Water Balance:

  • For best product performance, swimmer comfort, and crystal clear water: Maintain pH in the range of 7.2 to 7.6. Maintain total alkalinity in the range of 60 to 120 parts per million (ppm). Maintain calcium hardness above 200 ppm. Use a reliable test kit that measures all these ranges. Use In The Swim Pool Care Products to make adjustments. Follow label directions for each product.
  • Do not enter the pool until the free available chlorine residual is 1-4 ppm for each of the below noted water treatment applications.

Shock Treatment / Super Chlorination:

  • For best results, see "Water Balance" and "Usage Directions" sections above before treatment. Every 7 days, or as necessary to prevent pool problems, shock / treat / super chlorinate the pool by adding 1 lb. of this product per 10,000 gallons of water to provide 5 to 10 ppm available chlorine.
  • Additional shock treatments may be required to correct problems which are caused by visible algae, high bathing loads, heavy wind and rainstorms. Additional shock treatments may also be required to correct problems such as unpleasant odors and eye irritation.
  • Check the available chlorine with a suitable test kit

Algae Control:

  • Follow "Shock Treatment" directions on the label. Add this product as close as possible to any algae on the side or bottom the pool. If necessary, repeat treatment.
  • To prevent possible staining or bleaching, take the following steps immediately after treatment: Thoroughly clean pool by brushing surface of algae growth, vacuum and cycle through filter.

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Chuck H.
Date: Oct 01, 2011

I made a mistake and ordered the wrong size filter for my pool but DPS was completely understanding and allowed me to ship it back and replace it with the new one in record time. In fact I got the second correct size filter faster than I would have ever even gotten the first one from most online ...
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